Thursday, February 18, 2010

Prezi - A departure from Powerpoint

One of my favorite podcast's is the Teacher's Podcast. I was listening to it recently and heard the hosts talk about Prezi. It's a new way to present information in visual manner that takes Powerpoint to the next level. Just take a look.

The presentation that I've chosen is awesome as well. Inspiring actually.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Lorem Ipsum

Whenever I am creating a site, I like to see how text is going to flow around graphics, within div tags, etc. The one problem I run into with this is that I usually don't have all of the content text available when I am designing.

Instead of just typing Content, Content, Content over and over again, I use this tool to generate some text or lists to see how it will look on my page.

Give "Lorem Ipsum" a try the next time you need some dummy text for something.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Color Scheme Designer

Here is a great tool that I use to pick colors out for my site. If you want to know what colors, and shades work well together, give this site a try:

Color Scheme Designer

It enables you to see how it will work in light and dark layouts as well as change the color scheme that fits your site best

There is also the ability to get an entire hex code list of the color scheme that you put together.

This is a great asset for any web designer/developer.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Project Direction

Hi class - thought I would start a little discussion on the current standing of some of our projects. Let's all chip in and help each other find their way in this class.
Here goes:
Wanted to clarify.. will our groups be given more direction from Dr. Price at the end of the week regarding our project details?? Also, am I correct that we need to rank our 15 plus logos in order of preference and submit to Dr. Price this week? I have created a link and spreadsheet to work from; however, I am not stuck on this method, there may be a better way to tally votes. Any suggestions? If this is something that we need to complete, what is the best and most efficient way to communicate with students in the class about the ranking sheet?

Finally, would it be good for us to post screen captures of the UA web templates available so that we can choose as a class which to use for the projects OR are we going to do that in our individual groups? I am going to move the link to the logo ranking to the front page for easy access.

Let's do this together. Post your thoughts and suggestions here.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Based on the Collaboration Life-Cycle from CSM564 I think it's very important that we get to know each other to best accomplish the task that we have ahead of us.

As part of the project layout I've added an About Me page that could be very important in creating the best environment to successfully complete this task.

UA Web Templates

Hey guys. I have been looking at the UA Web templates , I like the two column, left navigation layout. Not sure how much info we will need to put, which would determine if we need a horizontal navigation. Also, we need to design logos. Adobe offers a free 30 day download for Photoshop which can be used to make a logo. Any ideas on a title for this financial planning materials for middle school teachers and students...

Monday, January 18, 2010


Hi all! I have seen the delicious account set up by Omer - csm566v10; however, I am not certain I know how to save tags/bookmarks to this account. When I try to save it goes directly to my account. I have tagged a couple using "webpresence" and "vacationrentals" and then sent those to csm566v10, but they didn't show up. Any suggestions? Or are we just supposed to use a tag csm566v10?

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Social Media Basics for Business

I wanted to share this interesting powerpoint with the group that might have to pointers in dealing with the rental client.