Monday, January 18, 2010


Hi all! I have seen the delicious account set up by Omer - csm566v10; however, I am not certain I know how to save tags/bookmarks to this account. When I try to save it goes directly to my account. I have tagged a couple using "webpresence" and "vacationrentals" and then sent those to csm566v10, but they didn't show up. Any suggestions? Or are we just supposed to use a tag csm566v10?


  1. Amy, I think Omer will have to monitor accepting the links possibly unless we can all get the password for the account and accept the bookmarks as they are sent. Another solution would be to share the bookmarks through the blog, email or wiki until the monitor accepts them.


  2. I am so busy reading what is already on reader!

  3. I've accepted the bookmarks from Amy however I was unable see her tags.. they are showing up untagged now :( Should I decide on tags by myself?

  4. Omer: Do you see the bookmarks that I sent? I can't see them yet. Thanks!

  5. Omer, again thanks for doing this. I am just making sure my comments are showing so this is basically a test. By the way, that is my grandson's picture not mine. He get's his attitude from his GB(what both grandchilden call my wife) not his G-Pa(me) of course.

  6. Hey Omer! Thanks for setting up the Delicious account for us! Do we all have access to the account to add our saves\posts? Mequel, thanks for setting up this blog for us, dude! Have a great week guys!
